4th of July 2008

Ashton riding the fish at Sea World. He was in Heaven

Kaden, Spencer, Dawson, and Kenzie all rode the rapid ride with Grandpa and were soaked!

Hiding in the Arctic cave, and Asthon being quiet amused by their faces.

My sweet little Wise Guy. Oh, how I love this little boy

The kids were doing fire works and pops outside Grandma and Grandpa's house.

We had a blast at Sea World. Uncle Tyler, Sencer, Tyler, and Kaden off on Atlantis

Ashton showing you his blue tongue from his sucker while waiting for Shamu to start.

Shamu, Shamu xx xx Shamu, Shamu
Ashton still to this day is talking about Shamu and singing the song. He carries his little Shamu's all over the house playing with them. He splashes in the tub and says "I kicka my feet like a Shamoon's tail".

Ashton loved the big horses. He got to pet this one behind us and he didn't want to leave. He kept saying "I go see the orsies".

Grandpa and the boys in the Arctic Cave

Spencer surfing

Is this typical or what? Need I say more?

Grandpa with Max, Adam, and Ashton playing motor boat.

Kaden and Spencer

cousin time in the pool

Bounce House Slide time at Grandpa's house. I think Grandpa likes this thing just as much as the kids do.
So cute!

Ashton loves to play at the park. We all had such a great time. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa. We love you!