Spring Break 2009
We love Buzz!
Ashy and Uncle Tyler
Mickey Mouse signed Spencer's Baseball
These two were hilarious...they were about to burst!
Grandpa and Ashy
Ashton and Grandpa getting ready for the Toy Story ride
Grandma and Kaden on Toy Story
Ben, Alex, and Vanessa helping us defeat Zurg on Buzz Lightyear
Mom and Ashy on Dumbo. He loves to go up and down...up and down(anyone else sick)
Spencer and Kaden on Toy Story. Spencer's mouth full of skittles. We love this new ride!!
Spencer and Kaden
I love this adorable face!!
He truly still believes if he can't see you...You Can't See Him!
Boys waiting in line with their feathers
Waiting for the fireworks in Grandma's special spot
Me and my Boys
Kaden and Ashton had Buzz Lightyear sign their Disneyland Baseballs
Uncle Troy and Aunt Nellie took the boys on California Screamin'. I was still recovering from surgery. It was Kaden's first time and he loved it. Thanks guys, love ya
Ashton, Kaden, Spencer, Max, and Adam pondering...
Addie and Ashy. These two are so cute together. They are in their own world and have the funniest conversations with eachother.
Addie, Ashton, and new baby Berlynn
The boys got their Easter gifts a little early from Grandma and Grandpa
We had a wonderful time seeing our family and cousins. We love you all. You can come visit us in the HOT land anytime!