The boys had a bonding weekend with our friends the Stanley's.
They went about 2 hours away to Long Valley to camp, and be BOYS!!
What better way to start off the night then a giant fire! When the boys got to the camp it was much colder then they had anticipated, and it had just rained. So not only was it cold, but wet and muddy too!!
(sounds like So much FUN!)
This is the boys showing you how muddy their feet were
Ashton and Sam checked out!
When they awoke in the morning they found this...Frost all over everything!
The boys were not about to let the cold spoil their fun!!
My little boy
Of course we have sticks and are playing in the dirt...Yea for camping and no mom to keep us clean!
Oh Man, I still can't play with guns...
I think by the look on their faces they had a pretty fun time!