We gathered in St. George, Utah for a family reunion on my mom's side over Memorial Day weekend. It was so fun to see family we've not seen in a long time or had never met. We had a great weekend and wonderful Grandparents to thank for making it happen. We love you!
This is the group, or at least a good majority who were able to come.
The People responsible for creating the bunch.

Uncle Chuck(Grandma's brother and his wife El),Uncle Maynard, Grandpa Dovell
Aunt Rula(Grandma's sister), Aunt Orvilla(Grandma's sister), Grandma Pamela Joyce

Our side of the family

Jeremy, Courtney, Dawson, MacKenzie, Addelynn, and Berlynn


Troy, Janelle, Max, and Adam

My Grandma Afton Meldrum (My dad's mom)
She lives just down the street so we visited her while we were in town.

On Sunday we had this wonderful plan to try and keep the Sabbath Holy, SO what better way then to go take a walk around the temple and visitors center.
I went to take a picture of the kids on the St. George Temple steps and Kaden slipped and cracked his front tooth, of course it had to be a permanent one. He also split his lip open, so he's not smiling because everytime he opened his mouth to smile his lip opened back up and blood...

Dawson and Spencer

All these kids were so cute. They were playing with toy animals, gathering them food, water, and shelter. It was very sweet and fun to watch them all play together so well.

Ashton is batting balloon style

We all went to the water park and the kids had a blast. I love this picture. I just wish Ashton would have joined in, but he was being a momma's boy

Put him on a swing and he was in seventh heaven
I love this of the 3 boys

We went rock climbing there too, and it was a huge hit!!

Kaden and Spencer all strapped up ready to climb

They both climbed all the way to the top and rang the bell!

Ashton was even a part of it too. He thought he was SO COOL, and just like the "Big Kids"

Tyler wasn't going to miss out on the fun

On Memorial Day we took the kids over to the Cemetery to teach them a little bit about the significance of that day.

Spencer and Kaden stood there nicely and let me take a picture, not touching anything around them. Then Ashton gets up and wants his own picture and does he stand there nicely...NO, if you look closely he has his hand on the trigger of the gun on the statue.
I loved this monument and memorial that was displayed for all those who did not have a head stone. It's messege rings true and makes you PROUD to be an AMERICAN!!

Having 3 boys is a little scary when I think that they could possibly have to go to war one day. I hope that day never comes, but standing there reading all these names of men who died so that we might be free is very humbling.

Ashton wanted his picture taken by all the flags. He would go from one head stone to the next saying "Mommy take my picture by this one" I just kept hoping the families of them were not around.

On our way home we went through Lake Mead and over the Hoover Dam. They are building an unbelieveable structure. This huge arch will support a road that will eventually run on top. It is just massive, and pretty cool!