May 22, 2008


This morning we were running a little late for school because the kids were eating like turtles. I quickly round up the kids threw them in the car and started to back out of the drive way, when I look down and see my gas light was on. "No... not today." Spencer is in the back seat saying, " Mom, I am going to miss my field trip." Everything is so spread out here that you don't find a gas station on every corner, you have to drive a ways. So I pull into a gas station and to my disbelief the sign says, "TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK." Are ya kidding me, who runs out of gas? What "gas station" doesn't have gas? Isn't that its main purpose-to have gas! I do a quick U turn and head out of the gas station, hoping I will have enough gas to get me to the next station, which is not close. The kids are going crazy in the back yelling, "Mom, just break the speed limit, go, go, go, FAST." Hum, wonder where they have heard those words. Spencer is still proceeding to tell me how he is going to miss his field trip if we don't hurry, so to just pull out in front of all the cars, (again, wonder who he has been driving with...Um, DAD). I finally said, "You will miss your field trip anyway if we are all dead!" I finally pull into the next gas station and I see little yellow bags around all the pumps that read "OUT OF ORDER". Really, are you serious? Finally, on the last row there were 2 pumps that were usable, Hallelujah!! I put a couple gallons in and off we went. Now, yes of course I hit every light RED along the way, but we ended up at school about 30 seconds before the last bell rang. Thank you!! Talk about eye opener on our economy and being prepared. (Having our lamps full, or in this case our tanks) I have been so frustrated at the price of gas, (remember, I am still driving 30 min to school and back everyday plus basketball, scouts, and church) I guess I never thought about it just not being there at all! Pretty crazy. ( I know mom you are thinking, "I told you never to let your tank get below half").


The Queen said...

That is crazy!! I remember that happening here a few years ago. I think it was after 9-11 or the start of the war or something. It's kinda scary I think. You don't realize how dependent you are on it until it's gone! And why do you have to drive half an hour to get to school?? Is that a permanent thing??

Jill said...

No, we are just waiting to move into our house.

Dionne said...

That sounds like something that would happen to me. I hope you get in your house soon. I am about to start making the kids walk to school with gas prices.

Lindsay Ann said...

I think we both need a drink!

Lindsay Ann said...

Hey! How are ya? 2 things - that fun place that my kids love to go to called fo fo figgly's is in thousand oaks. Sorry it took so long to respond, and you asked about the blog books...I have a link on my blog under cool sites to it.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through Emily Stewart's! Hope you don't mind that I clicked through to your business! Scary about gas...I was just complaining today that it cost $75 to fill up my van...PUKE! I guess I should have been grateful that the gas was even THERE! We ought to get our families together soon and do a BBQ or something...maybe let the boys do the slip n' slide or something!

the organic kitchen said...

You are too young to remember the gas crisis of the 70's. We could only fill up on certain days depending on whether your license plate ended with an even or odd number. The lines to fill up were a mile long. Looks like we didn't learn much from the experience tho since the entire country depends on our avowed enemies for fuel!!! BTW I was a brand new driver in the 70's and am barely old enough to remember it myself....all this typing is hurting my arthritis, I better stop now....Linda

Carrie said...

It was fun to talk today. Sounds like you are getting pretty attached to living out of boxes! You won't know what to do when you can actually be organized and have dressers again! CArrie

Patti/Mama said...

Hi Jill! I am so excited to see you have a blog. Courtney has just got me started so I really don't know how to navigate very well through all of this. I hope that my message gets to you. Hard to believe the kids are so big! Spencer baptized...goodness! I am going to find out how to put pictures on, the only ones I have to talk about are really my grandkids, so that is what people will see.take care I love you, Patti