June 4, 2008

Family Prayer

So, we kneel down for family prayer and Ashton (2yrs old) decides it is his turn to say the prayer. Tyler was sitting beside him and began to help him out. This is how it went:
Tyler: Dear Heavenly Father
Ashton: Oh, daddy look a car
(we all begin to smirk)
Tyler: We are thankful for this day
Ashton: Thankful dis day
Tyler: We're thankful for Jesus
Ashton: Thankful Jesus
Tyler: We're thankful for mommy and daddy
Ashton: Thankful mommy daddy, Pencer, Taen, Ashy, and you and you, and Child God
(we are now silently laughing, the 2 older boys out loud)
Tyler: We're thankful for grandma and grandpa
Ashton: YEAP! ( as he does a little hop on his knees)

By this time we are all laughing, but still trying to control ourselves for our kids sake. Tyler quickly finishes the prayer with Ashton and we all had a good laugh. The kid is a crack-up. He is always looking for the opportunity to make you smile. We love you Ashy!


Lindsay Ann said...

He's so cute! I'm excited to hear him talk. I was going to ask you about vaccuums. Ours got stolen and so Sterling said that you guys have researched them and I should ask you.

Corinne said...

that is so cute! i think we have all laughed our way through prayers!

Brittney Smith said...

So cute. Little kids and there prayers are so fun!

amy said...

ah, so cute! sounds like he's talking a lot. how fun.

Benjaman and Alexandria Brown said...


I am so happy I found your blog. It will be fun to keep up with your family this way. We miss you guys so much. My parents are excited to come out for Spencer's baptism. Come and visit. We love you!

Alex and Ben

Spiker said...

I remember laughing thru many a prayer...and crying thru many a Family Home Evening! Pres. Halliday called us one Monday night and apologized for interrupting FHE and then added, very dryly "Ahhh family Home evening, the only time you begin and end a fight with a prayer" I will never forget that. it made me feel much better about myself.~ Linda

Benjaman and Alexandria Brown said...

My dad's leg is fine. They ranall the tests and nothing was wrong. Just a big bruise! Don't worry! We all thought it was hilarious! Spencer should be proud. They went on their trip last Saturday and get home tomorrow!They say they are having a blast!

Anonymous said...

I am making my blog private, so I need your email address! natbroekman@yahoo.com