July 31, 2008

1st day of School 2008-09

I'm hearing the words from Nemo,
"First day of school, first day of school"
I can't believe it is that time already. The boys both woke up this morning at 6:00am pinging off the walls, wondering when it was time to go to school. Spencer is in 3rd grade and Kaden is in 1st. They loved their teachers and were excited to see all their friends. I'm not looking forward to the 30 min. drive again, but hopefully that will end soon.


The Queen said...

I can't believe your kids are starting school already! All of these pictures are so fun to look at, your kids are so cute!!vae

S. Fillmore said...

The boys look darling. I hope your 30 min drive will be over soon too! Your family is beautiful and I have loved getting to know you. Stephanie

Corinne said...

school already?? Where has the summer gone! Your boys are so cute!

Tiffany Johnson said...

Jill your family looks wonderful! I am sure you are busy chasing three little boys and Wow your kids are back at school too. We are doing great the boyz are happy and they love the new little sister. Today she wore a color that wasn't pink (red) thats a first. I hope you are all happy and well. Take care

cherie said...

loved catching up with all those fun pictures. can't believe we haven't seen you all for a month! we need to get together now that school's in swing!

Lyndee said...

Your kids are so dang cute. I love when we get back into school. I love a daily routine.

Hey I need to get your email address. I am going private.

the organic kitchen said...

Yeah for the first day of school! My friend and I used to call each other the first day of school and sing the"Haleluiah!" song. Mine are back in school too. But I didn't take pictures of them with their friends. High schoolers aren't down with that....~ Linda

amy said...

wow- you really caught up quick! way to go. it was so fun to see you and hang out at the wedding! you and your family are darling!!